Our project was about local and industrial farms and if local farms can one day produce the majority of food to the people instead of these big industries. I worked with Emily, Tricia, and Alison and they were wonderful to work with. My group members taught me how to use new genres and technology when conducting our project. Along with the new knowledge I learned from them, they were nice and respective. 
I really got to learn how to work with others collaboratively and to respect others writing styles. I was doubtful of my writing contributions but my members encouraged me in my writing. They helped me see that I can write well. This project was very insightful and educational along with fun working with these girls. 

I'm glad we were able to construct our piece together and I feel it turn out amazing. We all contributed our own styles to the project to convey the message we were trying to reach. I am very proud of my self and my group members for working so well and our final product. I hope everyone enjoys the final piece!!! Great job ladies!!! 

From speaking to the group early today, each of us aregoing to find two sources that involve our topic area which is: Eventually will local farm markets be able to provide the vast amount of food instead of these big industries? I found one source which is a website full of information about local farmers.  http://www.new-terra-natural-food.com/organic-food-delivery.html. This website explains how they run thiings on a farm, what CSA is and what they provide, how to run a farm and the cost that goes into it and also speaks about the industrialzed aspect and why organic food is good. The website also gave insight on other productive ways to produce quality food to the consumers during the produce off season.