So entering this class of writing, research, and technology I had no idea what blogging was to be honest with you and still am a little confused by it. I don't understand the reasoning for it and why I would blog random things for others to read or if anyone is reading what I am saying. I found that blogging was simply a person writing, posting pictures, or even videos about a particular subject . I personally feel that this was not beneficial to me at all and thought to myself who would read what I have to write. I also thought this going to be confusing and I'm not going to understand it at all. But then I showed up to class and the professor explained to the class how this is a great way to sell yourself. Its a great way to advertise yourslf to potential bosses. So after I heard that I thought this would be great to learn how to create and be a part of. I love the fact that I could include whatever I wanted to. My mind went into thinking of when I go on teaching interviews and how this could set me apart from other applicants. I am still trying to fully understand the purpose but could potentially see this a way of communicating that I enjoy to do. I hope by creating this and doing blogs I can understand what the big idea of this is about and if I would want to keep up with it. I guess after this semester is over, will see if I am still blogging!