When I was first told I would be creating a twitter account for
intro to writing arts course I was very hesitant in it. First, I didn’t feel the  need to be tweeting “I had eggs and a piece of toast this morning.” Why would  anyone care what I am doing and frankly I don’t care what others are eating or  doing as well.  Secondly, I didn’t like the fact that anyone could go onto my  page and follow me. I didn’t like being putting out there into the world to  anyone due to the fact that I am a very cautious person. However, I gave it a  try. At first it was very complicating and frustrating to me to figure out how  to tweet to a particular person and what specific keys I need to type to make  sure it when to that specific person and my main concern was what am I going to  be tweeting about. I don’t want random stupid stuff that will have people be  like “what the hell.” So I started to follower others and see what this twitter thing is all about. Even though I still had no understanding of what the purpose  was of this was. Yet to my knowledge it was kind of interesting and not as complicated as I thought it would have been. 
  I found out one of the benefits I believe twitter to have is that ability to connect to others of the same kind of interest. For example, I love cooking and everything about cooking. So if I were to find someone with a twitter that was either a cook or had the same interest I could learn knew recipes or information  about cooking. Twitter allows me to connect to various types of people. I never opened myself up to all this technology and media because I honestly don’t have the time and feel that what ever I write is probably not worth reading so why am going to put it out to waste others time as well as mine. I am still up in the
air with this twitter thing and hope to see if my perspective of this changes but only time will tell. Currently being in writing, research, and technology I hope to see how all this media and communication with technology can be  beneficial to me or at least give me a better feeling about it.