First thing I want to say is that I was very happy with my presentation of my twitterive. I thought I was going to cry or breakdown since it is such a personal story but I didn't. It actually was a little relieving. Everybody's feedback was very helpful and is taking in consideration. it helped me see others perspective and opinions of my project that I couldn't see. When presenting my twitterive I was a little confused of what my place is and had so many ideas in my head. After the class and their feedback I really came to the conclusion that my place is my sister's keeper. So, here are some of the changes and editing I will be doing to my twitterive:

1.) Including more of my voice- I didn't realize until presentation that the audience really didn't get to hear my voice or see how I felt during this moment of my life. I want this story to be my story so I am going to include more of my voice throughout my twitterive. I will show myself by including a letter to my sister, poems, and stream of consciousness.
2.) Including more dark times- I want the audience to really get the feeling I was feeling during this time and how important my sister is to me. I am planning on writing a skit of an intervention scene I went through with my sister, a poem about her withdrawel and seeing her pretty much die inside, and our car ride we shared and she got kicked out of rehab and I went to pick her up.
3.) Prologue- I will rewrite my prologue so its clearer to the audience what my place is. Also, I will explain to the audience that some of the writing pieces are from my sister, Nise.
4.) Chip- Some were confused by this so I was planning on taking Prof. Mangini's advice and write what I see when I see this chip. To me its a reminder of the bad and the good and how we should live day by day.
5.) I'm coming home video- Some also seemed confused by this, if I meant she was coming home literally or metaphorically. I meant metaphorically, in the sense of my sister being who is was and the past is the past and her kingdom( family) awaits her coming. She finally realized she needs help and she's getting it. Since that was a little confusing I am planning on including her rehab admittance so the audience can understand why I included that song. I love that song and it reminds me of my sister every-time I hear it.

The above is what I will be working on this upcoming week for my 3rd draft. I really appreciate the feedback and advice from the class. I will take all the feedback in consideration when editing my twitterive. This project means a lot to me because it's about my sister and I want the audience to understand my story and why I portrayed it the way I did. So thank you again all!
Throughout this twitterive project, I have been introduced to new programs online to incorporate a new genre in my twitterive. Yet, this hasnt been the easiest thing for me since none of the programs I'm using seems to be working or allowing me to put onto my twitterive. I'm getting very frustrated with this due to not being able to understand how to upload all these different things onto my project. Yet, another day I can't present because I have nothing to offer. It's not all negative towards technology because if it wasn't for skype, I wouldnt be able to talk to my sister and record it for my twitterive which I really wanted to incorporate. Technology is enhancing everyday and new things are evolving. I just don't know if I can keep up. I thought doing this project would be not that difficult but I come to find out theres been a problem everytime I want to add something or even work on it.
What's neat was that I could incorporate music, videos, and pictures throughout my twitterive.
Today in class we were put into groups to discuss our twitterive with each other aong with answer some questions regarding our project. The questions that were asked regarding my text include the following:
1.) Who are the characters in your story
        My twin sister, Denise, also called Nise, and myself are the characters in my story.
2.) What is your story? What genres are you using for your story?
    My story is undefined, it is about my sisters addiction. Genres that are included in my story are letters, poems,narative, song lyrics, video, serenity prayer, passage from book, and photos.
3.) When does your story take place?
    My story takes place from the past to the present. ( as of now)
4.) Where is your place?
    My place is not a physical place. The place is addicition.
5.) Why do you feel a connection/ lack of connection to place?
    I feel connected to this place because the story includes my sister, who is family, along with real life events.
6.) How do you show your audience your connection/ lack of connection to place? 
    I'm showing my audience my connection to this place through the tone of my genres, genres itself, and through the suspense.

Recap on workshop: 
    The workshop was very helpful and gave me guidance and advice to where I can go with my twitterive. The comments and feedback I received allowed me to explain my rationale and gain other perspectives and their thoughts of how I could create this story. I received very informative information that helps me better see where I want to take this story and how I actually want to portray this story to my audience. I also thought by having my group refer to the movie, " Black Swan." helped me how I want my audience to see this and to really think about my writing when reading this. After going over my twitterive with the group I am a little mor confident in my story but also nervous because I don't want to disappoint their expectations with my final twitterive. Overall, I received a lot of feeback and advice that will help me construct why I am doing this and how important this story is to me. THANKS GROUP! :)

For writing, research, and technology we are to create this multigenre piece about "place." Place can be either physically or mentally.  As, I began to tweet, I notice my tweets all have a comon trait, that is my twin sister Denise who we call Nise. Right before class began, I just flew home from being with her in California. I began to gather all my tweets and have collected the ones that all have the common interest, Nise. I don't want to let you know exacltey what I am writing about because I rather you guess what it's about. So, here is a outline of my ideas.
I. Prologue- introductory of my sister and the scenario
2- Letter from my sister/ video of sister
3- Webster defintion
4- Passage from book
5- Song lyrics
6- Serenity prayer
7- Poem
8- Letter from me to my sister/ video of me
9- obiturary
10- song
11- pictures will be throughout the narrative

#twitterive insides crying save me now.
#twitterive 30 days 30 night puttin up  a real big fight
#twitterive you were someone else. I  was still here. You are yourself now. And I'm still here. Xoxoxo
#twitterive  regrets and mistakes are  memories too.
#twitterive getting away is so  hard but getting closer is even harder
#twitterive when your hurting  I'm hurting. Smile today! Your strong!
#twitterive thinking of u,  everything will be just fine . Keep Ur head up high your beautiful and talented!
 #twitterive wish people would get  their promises.
 #twitterive I wish nothing but the  best for you too.
#twitterive when life hands you  lemons make lemonade .
#twitterive when one door closes  another one opens!
#twitterive breaks my heart  seeing you down and upset like thus.
#twitterive even thou were so  far away were even closer.