In class we began to watch the documentary of Food Inc. I have seen it prior to this class and thought it was cruel, wrong, upsetting, and shocking. First thing is i'm not a big meat eater, so at least I felt a little better but this documentary really cautioned me in what I put into my mouth everday. It's true like the movie, we don't know what is actually going on with the food we eat, the process, or what is in the food. I hear from people who have seen this movie complaining about the people in the movie and what they are doing to the animals but at the same time their the consumers of the project. So pretty much the consumers load the gun but don't actually shoot the gun. It really upsetted me when I saw the workers throwing and stepping on to the chickens and the living conditions of those chickens and hear people are eating them after those chickens have been in an unsafe and unhealthy atmosphere.
Another shocker of mine of the movie is that famers actually don't make that much money for what the corporates are making them do. They acually are only making 18,000 dollars but the unkept and debt lead into 500,000 dollars.  I didn't relaize how much the upkeep is, and the debt these famers are in. Corporate has such a huge control oer these farmers. It seems to be that the corporates just care about the quanity and not the  quality of the food they produce. They don't care about the cruely, abuse, or harm they cause as long as the money is rolling in. Then you think of eating organic food but it cost much more and when people are struggling financially they are going to buy the cheaper so they can put food on the table. Many people also are in rush and complain they don't have time to cook and its more convient to pull up to Mcdonalds drive through and say " number 4 medium with a coke please. "
I don't know its amazing to see what we really don't know about the food we eat and i guess that's why my family has farms, and we grow our own vegetables and fruits. We are able to get fresh eggs right from the chicken and go fishing for fresh fish. i love to cook and especially cook meat for others who eat it but its scary to find out what is in our foods and all of the different diseases or problems it can cause because of the production now of food. Yes, my family eats meat and does eat meat from the super market but after viewing this movie now twice I know i want to raise my own children one day to eat organically and to grow their own vegetables, where we know what is in our food and what we are putting into our bodies. Not only do i not like the fact of what it can cause for humans but the cruelity of the animals. Animals shouldnt be injected with antibiotics to grow so fast, that's not part of the living cycle. I'm sorry but this movie is upsetting, cruel, and bothers me. Well this is my input as of now with this movie and its only the beginning. 
Diane Seneca
11/14/2011 09:19:31 am

You made some really great points in your blog. Here is food for thought (no pun intended!) - one day, very possibly in the near future, small, local farmers will not be able to grow their own vegetables, The government has had a bill in committe for several years addressing small farms. They want to shut them down because they can't "track" their food for food borne illnesses. They want to stop regular Americans from growing their own food in their own yards because they can't control it.
I have been quite passionate about this issue for the last year because I think it is one of the most important social issues in our time. Major corporations are in bed with the government, and they want to make money. It is about mass production and the greenback. If people are unaware of this issue, they will get away with it, and control all of our food.
This is why I always try to get people to pay attention to the government. Most people hate politics and believe that what happens in Washington has nothing to do with them personally. But, the government does have an effect on our daily lives. And the more I learn about farming in this country, the more I fear for the future of our nation and for my children.
I hope this documentary will get people involved.

11/15/2011 11:22:11 am

you talked about growing your own vegetables one day, there was a girl in my cultura geography class that switched to this way, and she said she never regretted it. Not only because she knew what was going in her food but because it created great memories with her children.

Eileen O'Mara
11/18/2011 05:13:09 am

You said "It seems to be that the corporates just care about the quantity and not the quality of the food they produce. They don't care about the cruely, abuse, or harm they cause as long as the money is rolling in."
I read this and thought to myself how true this is. I was disgusted watching Food Inc. and hearing all the farmers talk about how terrible these large companies treat their animals. It’s sad how so many farmers are willing to lessen the quality of their meat products just to increase the quantity of their products.


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