Information: All this information I gathered while viewing the

47,000 products in a average supermarket

No seasons in supermarkets

Meat- no bones

No farm- more factories

Animals and Workers abused

Not just health at risk.

3-4 companies run meat production

Redesign chickens and farmers

Antibiotics in food for chickens to grow faster

Corporate control famers which famers aren’t making much money

Corn conquered world

Engineering food now 

Make high fructose corn syrup, semolina, and so many more and can feed to animals

Teaching fish how to eat corn as well

Cheap corn allows us to derive price of meat.

ACFP- concentrated animal feeding operation

Corn is really cheap and makes animals fat quickly.

E coli feed corn to cows and E coli bug evolves and a certain mutation occurs and appears. 

Our industrialization created a food that can hurt us. 

Make meat more accessible- industrializing the food helps bring cost down and fast production

·         Untended  consequences:  

E coli- spinach, apple juice, runoff from factory farms 

Leafy greens 

Agencies controlled by companies they should be discouraging

Food poisoning

Processing plants have become bigger and bigger- helps spread far and wide

Only 13 slaughter houses in the United States. More companies and corporate

USDA- didn’t have authority to shut down pants 

Reduces money to FDA

Lost control of system

Food safety

Son (Kevin)- died within twelve days due to e coli 

Eating three hamburgers before getting sick- saw blood through bowel movement, has e coli.

Kidneys began to fail, not allow drinking water, sponges allowed to dip and give him that, begged for water. 

Never recall meat until 16 days after son died 

Kevin’s Law- USDA gave back power to USDA to shut down plants that contain contaminated meat. 

Industry was more protective than her son. - motivated to become advocate. 

When it has a systematic problem to come up with high tech fixes to allow cattle to survive instead of seeing whats wrong. 

Meat cleansed with ammonia to get rid of e coli. 

Why is the food that isn’t good for use cheaper than the healthy food? 

Because those foods were heavily subsidized. 

 Engineering food- pushing evolution buttons 

 Sugar, salt 

1-3 Americans after 2000 were affected with diabetes 

Nobody is thinking of the consequences of the food. 

Largest slaughter house in the united states-  Tarheel, NC , Smithfield 

32,00 hogs are killed per day

Smithfield knows people can’t afford the right meat and they hold that over the people. 

Meat packer is like automobile packer- meat packers got bigger because of the needs of fast food companies – biggest meat production, cutting wages- but still do same task.

One of the most dangerous jobs of today.

Mexico market- cheap American corn

Natural product expo

Soy milk, organic food

 Environmentalist- business-  Gary- stoneyfield 

New Alchomy:  Preaching a new religion, development food alternatives, depending on sources to support that were dried up.        Started- 7 cow farm. Had to prove to be highly profitable0 number 3 yogurt brand and most profitable. Lilac ridge farm- a provider to Stonyfield

 Wal-Mart-  contains organic

Farm changes- who knows a famer?- their way of life has been revolutionized

From seed to supermarket

Monsanto Corporation- like Microsoft-   Round up,    9- percent of soybeans contain Monsanto’s patented gene.   Moe – seed cleaner

Seeds can be saved and cleaned to be planted again the following year. (There are no public seeds anymore)

11/21/2011 09:26:23 pm

WOW..really great notes!!! I may steal a few to reference in my project. Did you collect these while watching it??


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